As the year draws to a close, I am filled with gratitude for the countless blessings that have shaped my journey. From significant career progress to stronger family bonds and…
An employee is always expected to be nice to the customer because “the customer is always right.” Now, if you as a customer treats the person serving you poorly, it shows you have low integrity, empathy, and even self-respect. Someone with self-respect never has to act as if they’re above anyone.
When one leaves a relationship of whatever sort, it is because deep in their hearts they are unsatisfied and they have hopes of meeting someone much better with an even…
Thanks for stopping by. I promise it won't be boring at all. Enjoy the read... Have you ever imagined yourself sharing a table with a stranger or even sharing a…
A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the lyrics. - Anonymous. Friendship is one of…
Friendship is a devoted relation between two people in which both of them have true feelings of love, care and affection to each other without any hint of demands and…